



You are about to build the Matrix Ctrlr. This is a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Kit with through holes components and industrial quality stuff.



Building is a two tasks job : soldering and mechanical assembly. You should easily success in if you carefully follow instructions.

It consists in a sandwich made of the front panel and the PCB. Both are linked together with 11mm spacers and mechanical part sitting on the PCB that need to go through the front panel. This is where comes the subtlety of the assembly in the final steps.





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Matrix Ctrlr : SOLD OUT 2024

Dear Customers,

thanks for your confidence and support !

The Matrix Ctrlr is now sold out. The latest kits had metal potentiometers for a very sturdy design. Existing customers who haven’t assemble their own can get a set of 32 potentiometers in metal.

We are moving to a SMT design of the Matrix Ctrlr that should be available in the next weeks.


We wish you a merry christmas !



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